How to get unstuck

You feel the need to paint. You want to create, but everything you touch looks terrible. You’ve made effort by showing up for your creative practice, but it feels forced.

That’s because it is!

When nothing is working and we feel stuck, that’s a clue to shake things up a bit. So, how do we get unstuck in the creative process? Some need more time than others, but don’t discourage. The creative muse will show up again.

Change of Scenery
Get out of the four walls of your studio. One of my favorite places to go for inspiration is an art museum. They offer different mediums and points of view. When a new exhibition opens, it’s the perfect time to go. Take a sketch book and stare at a piece or two for as long as the doors are open.

Try visually dissecting different forms of art. If you’re a painter, look at sculpture or fiber art. Anything can be inspiration.

Other places I love to visit when inspiration walks out on me: Library, art supply store, antique store, book store, stationary store, and galleries.

Learn Something New
A wonderful way to mix things up is trying something new. Try a new recipe or flower arrangement. We can use any new skill in making art. Take a class, read books, and listen to different music to get out of your head and back into the creative mode.

After watching art tutorials on youtube, I can hardly wait to get back in the studio. The artist giving the tutorial pulls out the supplies, and that’s all it takes for the muse to knock on my studio door.

Go Outside
Many creatives credit being outside as a source of inspiration. Charles Dickens would take long walks to gather his thoughts. He roamed the streets of London in the evenings, and it worked.

Walking the streets of a busy city at night might not be the best option, but going for a hike will do some good. Listening to the birds, the sound of the breeze through the trees, and the crunching of leaves beneath your feet are medicine for the soul.

If you don’t want to be alone in the wilderness, take a friend or hire a guide. The goal is to get fresh air and explore. You don’t need to go far to benefit from being outside.

Take a Rest
Have you ever been cranky and then after eating a meal life was worth living again. The same can happen when your brain is tired and you need sleep. I’m speaking from experience here. Sleep is a necessity of life, and it fuels your creative brain. A nap can do the trick when you’re overloaded, and getting a good night sleep works wonders.

Set up a routine for sleep. A rested mind is a creative mind.

Final Thoughts
Be kind to yourself. You are not expected to be creative and inspired 100% of the time. Take the time to cultivate rest and growth. The inspiration will follow.


The Story Behind the Art


The Self Taught Artist