Forging your creative path

Having a mind that bounces from subject to far-flung subject is never boring. With so many topics of interest, it is impossible to create every single day. I know you’ve heard “true artists” write or paint every day without fail. It is a worthy endeavor, but not one to be thrust upon multi-potentialities. 

The creative pursuits require evenly distributed input and output to allow the creator maximum communication effectiveness. The entire reason we create is to communicate our inner feelings and questions. If the creative conversation is only ever to speak and never to listen, the dialogue between observer and artist is ineffective. 

Being a person with many interests only adds to my art. However, I must take time to read, study, and absorb new ideas to replace what I have expended. There is no shame in taking time to do what fuels your inner being. No matter what the world says, you must follow the you rhythm of life. The Creator himself didn’t make copies, so why should we follow everyone else’s path? I’m saying this just as much to myself as to you. It can be a reminder for both of us when our creative souls are starving for nourishment. 

Being a rebel is lonely, yet exciting. Some days the courage to go my own way is lacking. On other days, I stare it in the face undeterred. It is a daily choice to find my path and take each step. Thankfully, I have a Guide. 

So, take a day to pick up a book instead of a paintbrush. Walk outside to smell the air and be present.

If you want to create every day, do so. If not, that is just as well. There is no guilt in a slow, calm, and well-lived life, my rebel friends. 

All the best,



Peak at my Sketchbook